Tag Vengeance Demon Hunter

John Barrymore March 27, 2024 20 minutes
This blog post provides an early review of the Aldrachi Reaver Demon Hunter Hero Talents in the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within. The post breaks down the talents and their interactions, discussing potential synergies and gameplay implications. The author emphasizes the focus on physical combat and highlights some concerns with the design of the Hero Talent tree for Vengeance Demon Hunters.
John Barrymore February 01, 2024 7 minutes
In this blog post, the Vengeance Demon Hunter writer reflects on the journey of the spec in Dragonflight and shares their wishlist for the upcoming expansion, The War Within. They discuss the changes they would like to see in the talent trees, gameplay, encounter design, and utility of the spec. The writer also touches on the topic of Tier Sets and quality of life improvements for Vengeance Demon Hunters.